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World Gin Day - Strawberry & Tellicherry Black Pepper Gin

Posted by Salthouse / June 11th 2021

World Gin Day - Strawberry & Tellicherry Black Pepper Gin

Pepper is a key botanical found in gin. If you fancy creating your own gin flavours why not try this simple strawberry and black pepper gin recipe.

You will need:

1.  Trim the strawberries and cut them in halves or quarters

2.  Pour the gin into the jar and add the sugar. Stir well, then add the strawberries and Tellicherry black peppercorns and place in the fridge.

3.  Leave to steep for 3 days. Once or twice a dat take it out and give it a stir to dissolve the sugar. (Please note the strawberries will shrink and lose colour).

4.  Sieve out the pepper and strawberries and transfer the gin to a bottle. Store in the fridge.

Enjoy with prosecco, vermouth or mint & cloudy lemonade!